9 tips to survive (and even enjoy) the third trimester

You made it mama! Two thirds of your bun’s time cooking in the oven is over and you’re finally in the homestretch. Many women think the only way to get through the third trimester symptoms and side effects is to grin and bear it as best as they can.
From your baby starting the trimester around two pounds to typically tripling in size by delivery, your body is undergoing a lot as it prepares to push that precious babe out into the world. Finding ways to soothe and survive those aches, pains, stretching, and even mental obstacles (hello, you have a whole birth ahead of you!) can be hard in so many ways.
Take it from us, a brand filled with expecting and experienced moms, there are things you can do to stay comfortable in your third trimester. From changing up what you wear to the things you do to stay comfortable, combatting the struggles of pregnancy can be empowering and make your days easier so you don’t wish away these final moments of carrying your child.
1. Support your bump
Like we said, that baby is doubling and tripling in size during these last weeks. Just because newborns always look teeny tiny at birth does not mean they feel that small while they’re inside you. Carrying that growing babe can make your lower back and hips hurt while also causing extra stretching for your skin. To alleviate some of that stress, we love this pick-me-up for days when your bump needs some extra support.
2. get some zzz's
Studies show that sleep is so incredibly important during pregnancy — this one goes so far as to associate sleep probs with longer labors, preterm labor, and higher C-section rates. If that’s not enough to get you taking sleep seriously, we don’t know what will. We could go on for days about all the tips we’ve gathered for getting better sleep during pregnancy and all the reasons women have a hard time sleeping; heartburn, leg cramps, and worrying about whether their sleep position is safe for baby to name a few. And while it's not everything, comfy, well-fitting sleepwear can be step one to a good night's sleep. Why not start there?
3. Don't forget the skin
When your skin’s in the literal final stretch, it gets so itchy and irritated if it’s not properly moisturized. This is the time to give it allll the TLC you can. Adopting a daily routine (or sometimes twice daily) of pampering your skin and really lathering it up can help so much. If you’re looking for the best of the best, look no further than our dreamy, ultra-nourishing body oil that’s EWG VERIFIED™. Apply it after a fresh, exfoliating scrub-down and you’ve got a recipe for happy, healthy skin.
4. fight the symptoms
Y’know all those side effects of pregnancy that are hittin’ you hard during the third trimester? You don’t have to just give in to them. If things are causing you discomfort, always talk to your doc about them. You can also Google home remedies and try to figure out what works for your body. Remember, you’re not the first woman to experience hemorrhoids or heartburn. Solutions do exist and you’ll be a heck of a lot happier if you put in some work to find them. Here are a couple of our tried-and-true tips for common third-tri problems.
Does it seem a little counterproductive to work out to avoid discomfort? Yea, we agree. Buuut can’t argue with the facts. Some doctors say that just twenty minutes of exercise per day can help soothe pregnancy symptoms, plus give you an added boost of energy while prepping your bod for labor. We’re all about helping busy mamas find their flow, so we enlisted a prenatal exercise specialist to help you squeeze in some “exercise snacks” throughout your day.
Don’t come at us for this one but, unfortunately, it’s true. Although your body is telling you salt and vinegar chips with chocolate ice cream is the only possible thing you could eat for dinner tonight, you’re going to have to learn how to turn down some of those cravings — but not all of them, you deserve to treat yourself in moderation! Just make sure you stick to just a couple of small meals per day or sub in healthy ingredients with your fav snack foods. Read more about staying extra healthy during pregnancy here.
7. nest away
Bad news: sitting around and dwelling on all of the hard parts of pregnancy will not help you feel better. So when the urge to nest kicks in, follow it! There is plenty to keep you occupied while preparing for a little life to enter the world. You can spend some of your free time by putting the final touches on your nursery or packing your hospital bag. If you’re anxious about certain aspects of delivery and new motherhood, there are so many educational online resources for you to take advantage of, like this breastfeeding blog. Whether you’re spending this time drafting your birth plan or just hunting for the cutest nursery decor, know that staying in motion will help the days move a lot quicker and before you know it, the third trimester will be winding down.
8. treat yo' self
Taking the time to treat your mind and body can be so helpful in soothing and relaxing a third trimester mama. Little moments of being still, like reading your favorite book, sipping a cup of tea or journaling about your pregnancy can help you to really slow down and take in everything that’s going on with your body and life. Pregnancy is kinda a big deal, so even if you’ve already started your maternity leave and feel like every day is a vacation, it can still be really impactful to set aside specific “me time.” You can even invest in good self-care products to help you commit to setting aside those moments your body is so craving.
9. get comfy, stat
We’re not sure how long you stayed in your Bellaband® and stretchiest clothes, but by some point in your third trimester, you’re just going to be more comfortable in clothes that are actually made for pregnant bodies. If you’re still spending every morning tearing through your closet in search of a single piece of clothing that won’t constrict or cut into your sensitive skin, it’s time to make some upgrades, like a cooling bra or a lounge jumpsuit you can wear in public, too. And we know what you’re thinking; “I’m done with pregnancy in 13 (or less) weeks; why would I buy things now?” Trust us. It’s worth it for the time being and during your postpartum phase when you’re still not quite back to your pre-preg size and just need some soft clothes with stretch for your worn-out bod.
As your due date nears and the bump reaches its peak size to accommodate a watermelon-sized babe, your body may be looking for a lifeline. Give it to her — she’s working so hard and will continue to clock in overtime hours as a milk station for your tiny human if that’s the plan. We know you’re busy, but take it from us: you’re life’s only going to get more chaotic. So if you already have a kid of two, have your partner watch them or let them sleep over at Grandma’s house. If you’re living that kid-free life for a few more weeks, *try* to enjoy it. We know everything’s uncomfortable right now, but that’s all about to change. Complain if you need to — this sh*t’s hard. Then try to take notice of all the magical fleeting moments when you and babe still share a home. The tiny kicks. The belly kisses from your partner. The dreaming of who baby will be and become. Big hugs to you, mama. You got this.