ingrid and her daughter Isabel on maternal mental health

Ever wondered who Ingrid and Isabel are? Well, here they are in the flesh :) Ingrid Carney is a trailblazer in the maternity space and has been for 21 years. Her daughter Isabel? (Fun fact: she actually goes by Maggie). She's a 21-year-old college student studying abroad in Spain.

In honor of Maternal Mental Health Month, Ingrid and Maggie catch up via Zoom to take a trip down memory lane. Ingrid first conceived the idea for the Bellaband when she was pregnant. But long before she grew it into a business that would expand into boutiques, department stores, and eventually Target, she was a brand new mom questioning everything, experiencing a sadness she couldn't explain.

One in seven women are impacted by postpartum depression. It is the most common complication among new mothers. Now part of the conversation around giving birth, Ingrid and Maggie reflect on Ingrid's experience with PPD over 21 years ago, and how Maggie's generation has helped to break the stigma.

We hope you enjoy their chat as much as we did :)